Register for an account by providing your name, email address and password. Shipping and payment details will be saved after you successfully complete your first checkout. After registering and placing your first order, you will be able to access your Order History and edit your shipping address(es) through My Account. You will also be able to check your order status and access shipping and tracking information by clicking on individual orders.
We recommend that returning customers sign in prior to shopping. You can do this by clicking the “person” logo at the top right hand corner of the page. Items added to cart while browsing will be saved in Your Cart for your next visit, unless they sell out.
To reset your password, follow this link and click the “Forgot your password?” button.
To add items to your Shopping Cart, click “Add to Cart” after selecting your style, size and variation (i.e. pattern or print). To remove an item, go to your Shopping Cart and select “Remove.” You can also change item quantity in your Shopping Cart under the “Quantity” column.
We currently accept the following payment methods: American Express, Discover, Mastercard, VISA, JCB, Diners Club International, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Paypal.
Shipping is calculated at checkout and based on your location. International customers are responsible for any fees incurred during shipping (e.g. customs, taxes, other fees). You can input, edit or delete your shipping address(es) during checkout, or by accessing your address book on My Account. At this time we are unable to ship to the UK.
Card issues can come up during our busier drops. If your card was charged twice or charged without an order confirmation, contact us at askironyokai@gmail.com. Please keep in mind that charges are never made in cases where you have not received an order confirmation by email.
Incorrect charges should remain pending until they disappear completely, and your account should not process these payments. If you believe a false charge went through, please contact us immediately to cancel. We recommend contacting your bank directly if we're unable to resolve the issue on our end.
We only allow 2 order cancellations per month per customer account. All items included in a single order will count toward one order cancellation (i.e. customers may cancel multiple items in a single order). Order issues caused by website or cart issues (such as duplicate orders) will be automatically canceled and will not count as a customer cancellation. Please note that accounts that abuse this privilege may be suspended.
Shipping will be automatically combined for all orders placed on the same day, under the same account and to the same shipping address. The cost of shipping that will be in surplus will be refunded to the original payment method. If multiple orders were placed on different days before Rei is able to pack them, they will be combined at her discretion. Under no circumstances is Rei obligated to combine shipping on orders placed on 2 or more separate days. If you are an international customer (outside of the USA) who wishes for their order to be held (up to 7 days), please reply to your confirmation order saying you'd like your order to be held. Note that there will be a holding fee of $5/order. If Rei judges that there are too many items being held, she reserves the right to refuse holding onto the order(s) for any extra amount of time. This is heavily dependent on the package weight and/or size rather than number of items.
If you don’t see the answer to your question here, reach out to customer support at askironyokai@gmail.com.